Protection of intellectual property objects.
When supplying abroad and importing into Russia products that include intellectual property objects — trademarks, inventions, utility models, industrial designs, other intellectual property objects — the exporter or importer must resolve the issue of its legal protection. This will protect the manufacturer (supplier) from violating exclusive rights, stop unfair competition, and give him the opportunity to protect intellectual property in court. Finally, this will simplify the promotion of products both on the foreign and Russian markets and allow them to take advantageous positions on them.
Description of service
In most cases, company representatives are not specialists in the field of intellectual property. Even more rarely, they know the specifics of national legislation regulating this area. If the exporter is not a professional in this matter, he can use our services, and he will be provided with consulting support on issues of legal protection of intellectual property both abroad and in the Russian Federation.
Who can use the service?
- Russian exporters/importers.
- Manufacturers planning to enter foreign markets with their products/technologies.
- Companies/individual entrepreneurs planning to import goods into the Russian Federation.
Result of service provision
Providing the proposed service, our experts:
- conduct an analysis of the current situation with intellectual property objects owned and/or used by the company;
- determine optimal procedures and develop recommendations for the legal protection of products in Russia and abroad - in those countries to which they will be supplied;
- provide the client with a list of necessary documents and the procedure for registering a trademark and objects of patent rights both abroad within the framework of the selected procedure and in Russia;
- carry out approximate calculations of your costs for registering a trademark and objects of patent rights abroad according to the selected procedure and in Russia;
- inform about the specifics of the legislation in the field of intellectual property of the countries of the proposed export or Russian legislation in the case of import.
How to use the service?
Click on the "Send Request" button
Fill out the electronic application form for the service in your personal account.
Download and sign the completed application for the provision of the service
Upload and send a scanned copy of the signed application for the provision of the service through your personal account
Wait for the service to be implemented after providing a full package of documents
Get advice on protecting intellectual property