"Export standard" for SMEs.

Financing the expenses of the exporter (SME) to fulfill obligations under the export contract.

"Export standard" for SMEs.

Description of service

The credit product allows experienced SME exporters, subject to the provision of a reduced package of documents, to quickly replenish working capital for targeted expenses related to the fulfillment of obligations under an export contract for the supply of non-commodity goods or services. Financing is provided in Russian rubles.
Solution parameters:

  • Borrower: Exporter-SME enterprise
  • Loan amount: Up to 10 million rubles, but not more than 80% of the value of the export contract
  • Loan term: No more than 2 years
  • Loan currency: Russian ruble

How to use the service?

Provision of a project or concluded export contract, subject to the law of the Russian Federation

You are an exporter or manufacturer of non-resource goods or services (SME)

Experience in implementing export deliveries

The share of the Russian component in the total value of the export contract is not less than 30%

The necessary conditions

An exporter enters into an export contract with a foreign buyer
The exporter concludes credit and security documentation with JSC ROSEXIMBANK
The bank provides credit funds to the exporter
The implementation of expenses by the exporter using credit funds for the purpose of producing goods
The exporter supplies non-commodity goods or services
The exporter repays the loan using the proceeds received from the financed export contract.
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